Fashion Focus 2011 brought with it an unprecedented number of shows, styles, and – no doubt – opinions. In sum, we're so proud of our city and the design talent it's nurturing these days. But after the festivities are finished, all we're left with are memories.Thankfully Twitter-trolling lets us relive those memories and gives us proof that Fashion Focus was a great time. Below, we've picked the five tweets we loved most during Chicago's most stylish week. Did we miss any? Add 'em in the comments below.
@Possessionista: The best part of sitting front row @fashionfocus is that now I know how @ninagarcia feels every week.
@torihatesyou: It's odd not having a next show to run to.
@FashionFocus: Exposure does not pay my electric bill via Jane Hamill aka @fashbrain at EDUCATION DAY!
@WhittSince86: Imaginary People, hand over those leggings...
@tresawesome: Great menswear @jcheikh at mario super socks interesting tribal prints. They stole the show @FashionFocus

Photo: Via @WhittSince86.