Rejoice! Benny Gold And Jansport Are Back At It Again

Benny Gold’s recent voyage into designing cool, yet practical accessories had us up in arms — in a good way. His utilitarian and highly functional Jansport backpack collab had us sort of wishing we toted around more than just our cellphones and wallets, to make use of all the tiny, hidden compartments. Well, the Mission-based skater-slash-graphic designer is back (get it?) at it again, doubling make that tripling the luggage fun.
Obviously, the past packs were a hit, and not too hard on the eyes, either, so we're excited to see what's in store next. Gold and Jansport joined forces for a holiday line that ranges from $60 to $80 and offers up three sleek, minimalistic bags. You got two trusty backpacks and a do-no-wrong duffle. We’re smitten for these simple, yet wow-inducing designs, perfect for both gals and guys. We think they'll be especially useful when we'll be hitting the airports in a few weeks.
The bags are currently available on Jansport and in Benny Gold's 16th Street shop. Cop 'em!

Photo: Courtesy of Jansport/Benny Gold