Police Cheered Up This Lonely Old Couple With A Home-Cooked Meal

Jole, 84, has been married to her husband Michele, 94, for almost 70 years. They spend most of their nights watching television alone in their apartment in Rome. Though they have each other, they live a very lonely life. That’s why, last week, four police officers showed the elderly couple a bit of kindness, and the sweet tear-jerker of a story went viral thanks to this Facebook post. It all started last Tuesday when the police were called about loud crying and shouting coming from the couple’s home. The police arrived to find it wasn't actually a domestic dispute. Instead, they discovered that the two were crying because the news was so sad.

According to BuzzFeed News
, Jole had actually wondered aloud to her husband why the news was filled with so much hate, and her cries were loud enough to alarm the neighbors. When asked why the couple watches the news if it is so sad, they explained that the television was the one thing that kept them company. Talk about heartbreaking.
As a way to give some much-needed love and attention to Jole and Michele, the officers cooked them some comfort food: a dinner of spaghetti topped with butter and Parmesan. The couple enjoyed their meal while chatting with the police about their long lives together. The sweet gesture probably made Jole and Michele's day. And, if we know anything about viral posts like this one, we're guessing the couple won't stay lonely for long. In fact, we're predicting their story will motivate plenty of people to show up and distract them from the news.

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