A Helicopter Awesomely Photobombed This Bride

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue...and maybe something airborne, just for good measure. Hello Giggles reports that wedding photographer CM Leung was on location in Iceland to shoot a bride for her pre-wedding images. The bride was striking a pose on an Icelandic volcano when the scene suddenly transformed into an outtake from an action movie. Yes, that is, in fact, a helicopter creeping into the photo.
According to PetaPixel, the helicopter was part of the Icelandic Coast Guard. The chopper had been sent out to rescue a man from a nearby cliff. Though it appears to be hovering over the bride, sources insist it didn't actually fly over her. Still a bit terrifying, though. You can watch the surprise photobomb in the video, below. Think they could tack on a "Just Married" sign and some cans for the big day?

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