The term "intersex" applies to a variety of conditions involving abnormalities in genitals, reproductive organs, sex chromosomes, or sex-related hormones. These abnormalities may occur at birth or develop later on, and as a result, people with them often don't fit the typical molds of either biological sex. This can be difficult for a number of reasons.
Intersex people may face anything from probing questions about their genitalia to judgement about their personalities. Unfortunately, people often make assumptions based solely on physicality, regardless of how intersex people see themselves. On secret-sharing app Whisper, those who are intersex describe fearing judgment or fetishization if they share their identity. Many choose not to tell anyone at all and have to lie about who they are.
That's not to say that there aren't plenty of intersex people living happy, open lives. But all of the misconceptions and invasive questions coupled with the pressure to live up to societal ideals of gender can certainly be a challenge.
Below, we've rounded up 14 people's stories of living as intersex, as posted to Whisper.