It's never easy dealing with losing your hair, regardless of how it happens. Some women choose to cover their heads with wigs or hats, while others flaunt their baldness in all its glory. Recently, though, some ladies have also been turning to henna artists to decorate their scalps, according to Prevention, to "declare beauty in their baldness."
Founded by Toronto-based photographer Frances Darwin, Henna Heals is an organization that uses all-natural henna ingredients to create stunning designs on individuals who've lost their hair. Many of the women (and a handful of men) who participate have lost their hair due to cancer treatment or from conditions like alopecia. The "henna crowns," as they're referred to on the website, were created as a way "to empower and heal people experiencing hair loss, and to help them feel beautiful and confident."
And, we think Henna Heals has definitely succeeded. It's always heartwarming to see an organization helping to build up people's morale, and this is one that left us in awe of its act of kindness. Indeed, what's really beautiful here is not just the end result but the idea behind it. Head over to Prevention to learn more. (Prevention)
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