A couple of factory leaks and a misplaced prototype notwithstanding, Apple tends to keep a pretty tight lid on anything involving the company's upcoming products. So, we were pretty surprised back in March, when intimate details of what appeared to be the company's new wellness app, codenamed "Healthbook," leaked for all the world to see. Today, though, brings yet another surprise: Apple has released limited information and screenshots of Health, a new app that will be part of iOS 8, and it looks pretty similar to the leaked information we received a few months ago.
Hard facts are scarce at the moment, but in typical Apple fashion, the company has provided a few key teasers to build some hype leading up to the release of iOS 8 (which is apparently "coming this fall"). Billed as "an entirely new way to use your health and fitness information," Health will theoretically collect the data from each of your fitness apps, compiling them into one handy dashboard. Of course, you'll be able to control which of your data sets are available to other apps and individuals. Another welcome feature: Health features an Emergency Card function, which contains vital information such as blood type and allergies, and can be accessed from the lock screen.
Click over to Apple for just a bit more information. And, no, there's no word yet on the mythical iWatch/fitness band/magical amulet of wellness. Cue sadface.