Ireland Baldwin’s Blue (Hair) Is The Warmest Color

Okay, as if the beautiful Basinger-Baldwin spawn wasn't already heading toward true Instagram domination, now Ireland Baldwin really has our attention. Please note the blue hair showcased in the selfie above. This amazing hair change comes right on the heels of her switch to lilac locks — meaning the model has a healthy sense of beauty adventure. Really, anyone who tries out two different whole-head pastels in the same month is worth watching.
Like an icicle reflecting a clear winter sky, Baldwin's latest dye job involves multidimensional shades of white and blue. It's not a hair color that's ever really been on our mental list of flattering things to try, but we're going to have to revise that. Girlfriend looks good. It helps that the cool tone matches her eyes — hey, if people can have brown hair and brown eyes, why shouldn't blue-eyed ladies get to rock the monochrome?
But, enough of our gushing. What do you think about comic-book look?

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