You may have heard stories about a partner dying in the act, but what about two lovers getting stuck together in the worst possible way imaginable? BBC News Magazine discussed the, um, ins and outs of this so-called urban legend, including alleged true tales of those literally caught in the act. Dr Aristomenis Exadaktylos authored a study compiling 11 years of hospital admissions linked to distress after sex. While heart problems, migraines, and (get this) amnesia were common, there was no record of any couples sticking together like glue after doing the horizontal Lambada.
But, some others have different information — even from experience. One woman wrote into the BBC Health Check radio program (that Exadaktylos spoke on) to dispute the good doctor's "urban myth" theory. "I must tell you it is no myth," stated the woman who chose to be anonymous. "It happened to my late husband and myself one night. He literally could not withdraw i.e. was 'stuck'. I attributed it to the intensity of the vaginal muscle response during orgasm." Dr. John Dean from the U.K. told BBC that this experience is a rare phenomenon sometimes referred to in the medical world as "penis captivus," which can occur when the muscles of a woman's pelvic floor are contracting during orgasm.
So, should you ever find yourself in this sticky situation, Dean tells BBC that captivus usually only lasts a few seconds, even though it may feel like an eternity. Kinda gives a new meaning to safe sex, no? (BBC News Magazine)