Believe it or not, it's been 24 years since David Lynch's groundbreaking series Twin Peaks aired on ABC and pretty much changed television forever.
Wow. We're old.
We're also excited, because 2014 marks the year that Twin Peaks will finally be available on Blu-ray. That means an entire new generation of stoned college kids can discover who killed Laura Palmer. Oh, how we envy them. What we would give to go back and watch Lynch's revolutionary opus for the first time. Stoned college kids, you don't know how good you have it.
The rest of us will have to make do with the Twin Peaks promo Lynch is set to shoot to coincide with the release of the Blu-ray. We're not sure what the piece will be about, but a recently released casting call gives us some clues. Lynch is looking for a "hot Caucasian girl" to play a waitress in an L.A. shoot this week. Also, he's looking for brunettes and redheads only. We'll leave the rest to your imagination. (Uproxx)