Does the mere suggestion of a hostel make your skin crawl with thoughts of bed bugs, dirty shared bathrooms, and sketchy "cot-mates?" Think again. Throughout Europe, hostels are becoming certified testing grounds for cool, new design ideas. And plucky hotelier Michael Schloesser is taking the experimentalism even further with BaseCamp Bonn Young Hostel. Situated in a stunningly converted abandoned warehouse in — where else? — Germany, a fleet of colorful campers (and other discarded forms of transit) make for nifty modular living in North Rhine-Westphalia. This might be the ultimate retreat for a traveling artist on a budget or for anyone into unorthodox backpacking.
Each RV get its own offbeat theme: popular options include Rockabilly, Flower Power, and Drag Queen. If you've ever wanted to live out a Partridge Family-style technicolor bus fantasy, well, this is probably your only chance. And at only $29.99 per night, even the price is a groovy throwback. (Curbed)