Though we've partaken in a fair share of Mayan Doomsday hilarity, OkCupid's response to the latest apocalyptic scare definitely has to be the strangest. The dating site recently sent its subscribers an e-mail entitled, "Do you want to die alone?," immediately giving off some uncomfortable vibes. The message then featured an OTT graphic of President Obama's face on an asteroid crashing into Earth, simultaneously exploding both the Statue of Liberty and the United States Constitution. Say what?
Oh, but it gets worse better. The mass e-mail then included the nice little message, "We're screwed. You should be too!...As things heat up and the Earth's crust begins to melt, here's a high match that would welcome your embrace."
Yes, the graphic is ridiculous, as is the aforementioned tagline, but what's sad is the dating site's emphasis on hooking up as the "possible" final thing you do on Earth. Sorry, OkCupid, but we have better things to do — a.k.a. watch Homeland. (The Gloss)

Image via The Gloss.