Can’t Sleep With Someone Else In Bed?

Sleep is not just resolution material — it is a basic human need. But, as myriad studies and ominous headlines tell us, no one is getting enough of it. We’re all too busy, too stressed, too staring-on-our-phones-before-bed to get decent rest on a regular basis. Sleep deprivation is a problem. And, for many people, the primary cause is the person right next to you in bed. And, that problem has a complicated solution.
For anyone but the heaviest sleeper, sleeping with someone else in bed presents a challenge. Yes, the cuddling is a major plus, if cuddling is your jam. However, there’s also the snoring, the blanket wrestling, the tiny earthquake shaking you awake whenever he or she turns over too hard. What can you do? Kick them out? Put a ban on turning over?
Last month, when I moved in with my boyfriend, I decided to tackle the bed-sharing problem myself. Life is just too short to be tired and cranky all the time, so I tested every trick and product in the book. It goes without saying that proper sleep hygiene was already in place for me, but when there's another person in bed with you, sometimes you need more help. And, I found it — THANK GOD.
If you struggle with sharing a bed with someone else, here are some tips and items that may be a huge help. Sleep more and sleep better. It’s your bed too, damn it.
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