This May Have Been Ivanka’s Best Week In Washington Yet

What Ivanka Did This Week is a weekly column that explores what Ivanka Trump, first daughter and adviser to President Donald Trump, does all day.

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Ivanka's schedule has not been made public, so each week, we will do our best to cover the public events and forums she attends, the meetings she has with lawmakers and government officials, and her social media presence.
Monday, December 17
Ivanka continues to promote the administration's "Pledge to America’s Workers" — a initiative first launched in the summer. This is worthwhile endeavour until you consider that the Trumps themselves have historically opted out of hiring Americans for their family business.
The first daughter also celebrated the Senate passed the National Quantum Initiative Act, a legislation meant to accelerate the development of quantum computing. (The bill passed the House later in the week and was sent to President Trump's desk.)
Tuesday, December 18
Ivanka continued to tout ending human trafficking as one of her main portfolio issues, this time celebrating that four bipartisan bills were on the verge of passing Congress.
The presidential adviser live tweeted the Senate vote on the FIRST STEP Act, a historic prison reform bill. On Instagram, she shared a picture of her husband Jared Kushner, who lobbied for the legislation, and wrote: "Lots of vision, grit and elbow grease by many (so proud of my husband!) to secure the votes being counted now. Let’s do this! #FirstStepAct #CriminalJusticeReform"
Wednesday, December 19
The Senate voted to pass another one of the bipartisan bills Ivanka has been championing, the Women's Entrepreneurship & Economic Empowerment Act (WEEE Act). Back in the summer, the first daughter spent time meeting with lawmakers in Capitol Hill about the legislation. The bill now goes back to the House. Ivanka wrote: "This important bipartisan legislation will help advance gender equality globally!"
Thursday, December 20
The FIRST STEP Act passed the House and Ivanka dubbed the victory "A Christmas miracle years in the making!" #Cut50, an organisation that lobbies for criminal justice reform, told Refinery29 Ivanka and Jared's involvement was instrumental to pass the legislation.
The first daughter tweeted joyously about the passage of the 2018 farm bill, which in part protects Americans who rely on food stamps. On the same day, her father's administration announced it will try to override the protections and put tougher requirements on the program's dependents, a move that advocates say will hurt low-income Americans.

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