Nothing lasts forever, cosmic beings. This week’s full moon in Capricorn is a reminder of the cyclical nature of life. What goes up, must come down. You may be finding it hard to let go of a certain way of looking at the world, and of navigating your own choices. A part of you knows that you’ve reached the turning point in the current story that is your life, yet you find it hard to either turn the page or close the book. Breathe through these growing pains, and trust that your evolution will be worth your current discomfort.
This first full week of July is here to help us surrender to the power of our intuition. When we quiet the outside noise, let go of societal expectations, and fully trust ourselves, we find that we already have the answers. With Mars spending its last full week in the ambitious sign of Leo, all zodiac signs will feel empowered to live more authentically and to be more courageous and bold when it comes to bringing our deepest desires to life.
Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.
Aries Sun & Rising:
Aries, the highlight of this week is the Capricorn full moon, taking place in your sector of career and reputation. You can tell that you’ve reached a significant turning point in your professional path. Even if you’re loving what you’re doing, you know this isn’t all you’re meant to experience. And if you’re not absolutely loving the work that you’re doing, this full moon will ask you to evaluate other options, because you’re a passionate person and you can’t settle for less than what your inner child wants.
Chiron, the asteroid that represents our inner wounds, is getting ready to begin its retrograde in two weeks, and you can already feel the pre-shadow effects coursing through you. If you find yourself being more sensitive this week, trust that this sensitivity is helping you better hear, love, and accept yourself and your metamorphosis.
Taurus Sun & Rising:
Taurus, this week the Capricorn full moon cosies up to Jupiter, the planet of luck, which is currently in your sign. The Capricorn full moon lights up your sector of expansion and long journeys, encouraging you to take a trip somewhere you’ve been dreaming of soon. You’ll feel supported by the Universe this week, and since Mercury, the planet of communication, is in Cancer, you’re likely to feel more romantic and dreamy this week as well.
One caveat: since Neptune, the planet of illusion, is currently retrograde in Pisces, a part of you may be lost in la-la land and may not be facing the truth of a situation that’s been nagging at you subconsciously. By the time the moon enters Pisces this Friday, you may no longer be able to run from some of your shadows, and it may be time to face yourself and your insecurities head-on. Bravely do so, and they’ll soon have less power over you.
Gemini Sun & Rising:
Gemini, with your planetary ruler Mercury currently in Cancer, and this week’s full moon in Capricorn, you’re reflecting on the soul ties that you have, and what they mean to you. If you’ve found yourself in a codependent connection, this full moon will help you start to detach from the need to always be with that person, whether it’s a romantic partner, a friend, a family member, or a coworker. You may be an Air sign, but you care more than people think you do, and this week your sensitivity is going to be more obvious than ever.
Since this is also Mars’ last full week in Leo, your communication skills may go through an upgrade of sorts as the full moon’s energy starts to wane. By the time the moon is in your fellow Air sign of Aquarius from Tuesday until Thursday, you’ll be feeling witty, sexy, and hilarious. If you’ve been wanting to shoot your shot at work or with a new crush, the Aquarius moon, combined with Venus and Mars in Leo, may give you the push you need.
Cancer Sun & Rising:
Moon Child, the focus of this full moon week is your relationships. What do you really want and what work are you willing to put in to receive it? Because here’s the thing, Cancer, relationships take work. The Capricorn full moon is asking you to commit to putting in the work for the connections that feel sustainable and regenerative.
This full moon week’s also asking you to be honest with yourself about times when you’ve overextended yourself for people who aren’t willing to do the same for you. Enough is enough. Cut all toxic cords, even if you have to take baby steps.
Once the moon shifts into Aquarius Tuesday through Thursday, you’ll be focused on your financial mergers and collaborations. This is a pivotal time for re-evaluating how you’re growing your wealth, and where you’re spending your resources. If you know it’s time to start healthier habits, don’t put it off any longer — begin now.
Leo Sun & Rising:
Leo, now that Neptune’s retrograde in your sector of mergers, you’re taking yourself more seriously and more lightly at the same time — quite the paradox. This week’s Capricorn full moon sheds light on your daily routines, as well as the service that you provide to the world.
Are you doing what you’re doing because you love it, or because you’re used to the validation that comes from it? Tap into Venus’ upcoming retrograde in your sign and get clear about what your actual desires are, while questioning what your internalised societal expectations may be.
The Moon’s presence in Aquarius mid-week shifts your attention to your relationships. You may feel a bit more detached than usual — this may be a sign to fall back if you’ve been trying to control a romantic situation. Let what you want come to you naturally.
Virgo Sun & Rising:
Virgo, this week’s energy is all about facing yourself fully and being willing to boss up instead of sticking to your comfort zone. Your sector of fate, true love, and adventure are activated by the Capricorn full moon, and you may realise that you’ve been sticking to the tried-and-true path for far too long this year, and you’re ready to shake things up.
Your planetary ruler Mars is getting ready to enter your sign next week, so this is an ideal time for a personal rebrand if you’re feeling the urge to step into a new chapter of your life. Neptune’s retrograde through Pisces is reminding you that recreating yourself doesn’t mean that you have to disappear or ghost everyone in the process. There are people who want to celebrate your evolution alongside you, so invite them along for the ride.
Libra Sun & Rising:
Libra, this week’s Capricorn full moon is significant because it asks you to be honest about what you want from your family. You’re often the one who’s there for everyone, but with Venus, your planetary ruler, currently in Leo (and preparing to shift retrograde in a few weeks), you’re allowing yourself to be more selfish and proactive. If you’ve been the one keeping things together at home, this week you’ll be seeking more support, clarity, and greater structure in your family dynamics.
Neptune spends its first-week retrograde in Pisces this week, amping up your creative side. You may be pleasantly surprised by a sudden desire to reconnect with a long-lost passion or hobby. Follow this urge, Libra, especially while Venus is still direct in Leo because consistently committing to what sparks joy within you will lead to a significant turning point in your life this year.
Scorpio Sun & Rising:
Scorpio, this is the final week that Mars, the planet of action, is in Leo, activating your career sector. This means you’re on the brink of learning a major lesson regarding your professional trajectory, but it may not have been an easy lesson to learn. This week is all about expanding your abundance consciousness by daring to believe that you can experience and receive way more than you’re currently experiencing or receiving. This means stepping into an aura, an energy portal, a metaphysical form that you haven’t yet fully conceptualised. You’re winging it until it becomes your reality.
Use this full moon week to play make-believe. Create a vision board of your dream life, and get very specific about the details. What does it look, smell, feel, taste, and sound like to be your dream self? Where would you be living, what work would you be doing, and who would you be connecting with?
The more you allow yourself to vividly visualise what you’d like to manifest, the more Venus and Mars can combine their powers and help you bring those visions to life. Everything you want is on the other side of your limiting beliefs, Scorpio.
Sagittarius Sun & Rising:
Sag, this week you’ll be reflecting on your relationship with money. You may feel inspired by the Capricorn full moon lighting up your sector of security and self-esteem — as the week begins you’re likely to have an epiphany that helps you take your financial journey more seriously and not run away from the more practical aspects of life.
Since Neptune is spending its first full week retrograde in Pisces, you’ll be feeling more sentimental and hermit-like this week, so you may need to turn down some social invites if you’re not feeling up to par. Jupiter’s presence in Taurus is showing you the power of being more intentional about how you spend your energy, time, and resources. There’s power in turning down what seems like a shiny opportunity and simply taking a nap instead.
Capricorn Sun & Rising:
Happy full moon week, Capricorn! The week begins with a full moon in your sign, reminding you of your inherent power and magnitude. A project you’ve been working on for the past six months is likely to reach a point of culmination as the week begins. Instead of immediately rushing to the next mission, the moon’s connection to Jupiter in Taurus serves as a gentle reminder to celebrate how far you’ve come and take a breather before picking the pace back up again.
While you’ll feel heightened emotions on Monday and Tuesday, by mid-week the moon will have entered Aquarius and you’ll start to feel like the intensity of the full moon is waning, allowing you to peacefully detach from the need to know what’s next. Adopt a more playful and spontaneous attitude as the week goes by because you’ve made it through a significant cosmic rite of passage, Capricorn.
Aquarius Sun & Rising:
Aquarius, this week’s Capricorn full moon highlights a need for deeper spiritual connections in your life. You may have been so focused on your career or family objectives that you neglected consistent meditation or alone time. As soon as the week begins, you’ll receive a wake-up call from the Universe, perhaps through feeling exhausted or dehydrated. Take care of yourself and your spiritual needs as much as you take care of others, Aquarius.
Mid-week, the moon enters your sign and helps diffuse some of the intensity you felt from the Capricorn full moon. Spend Tuesday through Thursday unapologetically doing whatever you want, without having to explain yourself to others. By this weekend, once the moon shifts into Pisces, you’ll start to feel more joyful and expansive, Water Bearer.
Pisces Sun & Rising:
Pisces, this week’s Capricorn full moon helps you get your life together, by reminding you that you don’t have to take care of everything on your own. Now that both Saturn and Neptune are retrograde in your sign for several months, you’re listening to your spirit and your body — they are asking you to sit down and rest.
But in order to rest without being overwhelmed by everything you think you have to do, you should learn to delegate or accept help from others. As the week begins, make a list of two to three of your most important action items, and find a way to ask for help, or to receive it without feeling guilty.
The moon’s presence in your sign this weekend is the ideal time for a self-care ritual such as a spa day or a weekend without wifi. The combination of the sun in Cancer and the moon in Pisces will increase your telepathic abilities, so you’ll feel more in tune with yourself and your loved ones as the week comes to an end. Your manifestation powers are also deepening as you allow yourself to consciously do less and receive more. Yay!
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