Cringe Your Way Through These 16 Stories Of Text Messages Being Sent To The Wrong Person

There's a process you go through when you realise you've accidentally sent a message to the wrong person. Your stomach drops and your heart leaps into your throat as you reach for your phone to confirm that — yes — you did just send that text meant for your boyfriend to your...boss.
Then comes the flood of sheer embarrassment, along with the realisation that you'll be thinking about this moment for years to come, as you lay awake at 2am flipping through a mental rolodex of all your most embarrassing moments. However, there is a silver lining — your misfired text provides endless entertainment for the rest of us, and hopefully for you too, once enough time has passed.
So, for the sake of a few LOLs, we've scoured the internet (thank you, Reddit gods) to find the most cringeworthy messages sent to the wrong person. From Slack misfires to screenshots gone awry, here are 16 stories of messages being sent to the wrong person, which are guaranteed to make you laugh (and cringe with secondhand embarrassment).
"I texted my boss 'are you ready to go, you sushi slut?' I meant to text it to my friend because I was picking her up to go get sushi for dinner." - LydiaGlikeMe
"I quit my job by leaving a note for the business owner when I closed, so she'd see it in the morning. Woke up at 6am to text my friend Lauren who worked there to see how the boss took it. Accidentally texted the boss 'How'd she take it?' to which she responded 'She took it fine, very classy'." - anonymous
"I was talking to a guy from Tinder and telling my best friend about him. I screenshotted something on his Facebook, and sent it to him — instead of her — along with something along the lines of ‘I'm being a super creep, but I think he has a girlfriend'. About died, we still went on our date, it went great, and lo and behold he had a fucking girlfriend." - bettyknockers786
"My boss had a big night and came into work still drunk from the night before. I could smell the booze. I meant to text my husband 'I think my boss is drunk' but I texted my boss by mistake! I thought for sure I was going to be fired. A few minutes later, I see him and at this point I’m laughing because what else was I going to do? He asks me what’s so funny. So I tell him 'I accidentally texted something to you that was intended for my husband'. Without missing a beat, he pulls his phone out, deletes the text and says 'all set'. At first I was relieved. Then I realised that he probably thought I was sexting my husband!" - ZTwilight
"I have no idea how this happened but I had the Slack app on my phone. I measured myself for a bridesmaid dress and wrote down the measurements in the Apple Notes app to order a dress later. Like 'Hips 30”, breast 34”, waist 36”,' etc. Well apparently, I also pasted MY BODY MEASUREMENTS to my work’s team chat on Slack and hit send? Like 20 people were on this chat. The worst part is I had no idea for days. I was fairly new to the job at the time. When I scrolled back in the chat to find something else I saw it and almost passed out. Some people had reacted with the “??” emoji but no one even DMed me on the side. Seriously, I wanted to die." - festivusfinance
"I've been crushing hard on this co-worker of mine for months. We've been flirting back and forth, and I finally mustered up the courage to ask them out on a date. Feeling confident, I decided to text my best friend to share the exciting news and get some advice on what to wear. But guess what? In my moment of pure panic and excitement, I accidentally sent the text to my boss instead of my friend! I didn't realise my mistake until it was too late.
"The text contained all the embarrassing details about my crush, including some pretty suggestive comments. I instantly turned white as a ghost.
To make matters worse, my boss is known for having a great sense of humour, but also a knack for sharing embarrassing moments with the entire office. So, you can imagine the anxiety I'm currently feeling, waiting for the moment when my boss decides to bring it up or, even worse, share it with everyone.
"I've been contemplating whether I should confront my boss and apologise or just pretend like it never happened and hope they didn't notice. But honestly, I don't know what's worse: the potential embarrassment of addressing it or the fear of being the office gossip for weeks to come." - u/Amelia2243
"I accidentally sent a co-worker a Slack meant for my boss, saying that I was worried she wasn't going to do a good job. Whoopsies." - Sensitiverock85
"I was job searching and I would text jobs to myself as a way to save them for later. I accidentally sent a job to my manager and tried to play it off as an accident. To this day, I'm still not sure if she believes me or not." - Space-Matter·
"I met a guy at a bar when I was pretty buzzed, he gave me his name and number on sheet of paper. My subtle attempt to creep him on Facebook later resulting in me bypassing the search button and posting his name on my wall as a new post. Apparently we had mutual friends, I discovered the error like 12 hours later after receiving several notifications about people liking my post." - anonymous
"I was typing a text to my district manager as a follow up to an in-depth conversation we had analysing profit margin. I was in a hurry and didn't double check my text. I meant to say: 'Thanks for the analysis'. What I actually sent was: 'Thanks for the anal'. He would never be in the same room alone with me again after that one." - Sexy-Snowflake
"I had been having dreams about toilets overflowing for a few weeks. Composed a text to my boyfriend that read: 'Had another poop dream'. Sent it to my boss." - autmonster
"I sent a message to a coworker that said 'she is not getting fired :( '. The problem is I sent it to the coworker who should have been fired, and not the other one." - NoseGrows1
"I moved back in with my parents after I graduated college, and my brother moved back home around the same time as me. I sent a text meant for my brother saying something like “welcome back to mum’s moods," but I accidentally sent it to her instead. She didn’t talk to me for a week and then divorced my dad and moved out of the house a month later." - Royal-Mountain-1800
"One night, I drunkenly hooked up with a coworker. The next morning, I sent a hungover text to apologise and make sure we were both clear that it was a mistake and that none of our coworkers had to know about it. I sent it to another coworker with the same name who was notoriously the office gossip." - Lumpyalien
"I sent 'I want to see you naked' to my dad. Obviously not meant for him. I've seen him naked plenty, and no one wants that." - mrfoyl 
"I've had a few slip ups, but nothing beats the time my dad sent me a text that was supposed to go to my mum that said 'tell the girls to go out to dinner tonight so we can have wild sex,' referring to me and my sister. Scarred. For. Life. It only got worse when I sent a screenshot of it to my mum complaining, and she replied with 'lol you're a big girl now, will y'all go out?' We went out to dinner. I didn't eat anything. Ugh." - cameronblair95
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