How To Show Solidarity On Invasion Day If You Can’t Make It To A Protest

For First Nations people, January 26 is complicated. Our communities have many names for the day, which reflect our diverse relationships with what the date means to us, including Invasion Day, Survival Day and Day of Mourning.
While attending an Invasion Day protest led by grassroots organisers is a popular, and encouraged, way of engaging with what January 26 represents to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, it is not the only way to respectfully engage with our community. 
There are several reasons that people might not be able to attend a protest, including health and accessibility considerations, having difficulties with overstimulation, trauma with police or even having a visa that restricts a person’s ability to protest. But the good news is, every year, there are a number of events reflecting a growing interest in accessing First Nations community-driven truthtelling and creating the foundation for genuine relationships with our communities, so there are a number of alternatives if you can't make it to a rally this year.  
Below is a list of some events across the continent, both online and offline. While there might not be an IRL event in your area listed below, you can look up local art galleries, museums, theatres and local Aboriginal land councils in your area for events on and beyond the 26th of January.


Join Refinery29 At An Invasion Day Rally

Watch us live stream from an Invasion Day protest with Bundjalung and Worimi Saltwater woman Phoebe McIlwraith at the Gadigal/Sydney rally on Refinery29 Australia's TikTok on January 26. She will also be doing a takeover of Refinery29's Instagram on January 26 to post mini interviews, share some calls to action for the day and show what Invasion Day looks like for a young Blackfella in Sydney.

Attend A Webinar About January 26

Attend webinars like Evolve Communities’ How to be an Ally on "Australia Day" on January 25 to learn about the origins of Australia Day, how it impacts First Nations people and how to show up as an ally on January 26.

Consume First Nations Content

Each year, there are more and more streaming options for January 26 events. You can stream live reporting from NITV/SBS to get the latest news and listen to interviews, or watch First Nations TV shows and films on the day.

Virtually Attend Yabun Festival

Yabun Festival is Australia's largest one-day celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. If you can't make it to the event in Sydney (more details on that below), you can stream at or Koori Radio 93.7FM.


The Vigil is a free large-scale installation at Barangaroo with a choir of First Nations young people as they sing in their language about their dreams, realities and hopes for the future. At Barangaroo Reserve from 8.30pm on January 25.
WugulOra Morning Ceremony (meaning ‘One Mob’) is a free event at Barangaroo Reserve. The smoking ceremony intends to cleanse participants and celebrate Gadigal culture music, dance, language, storytelling and ceremony. At Walumil Lawns Barangaroo Reserve from 7.30am to 8.30am, January 26.
Yabun Festival is a free festival with live music, market stalls, panel discussions, children's activities, and Traditional Dance performances. At Victoria Park from 10am to 6pm, January 26.
Blak Powerhouse is a takeover of Powerhouse Ultimo by Indigenous social enterprise We Are Warriors turning a day of sorrow into one of power and positivity. There is no entry fee, and the evening features a mix of live music, dance, art, talks, workshops and DJs. At Powerhouse Museum, Ultimo from 5pm to 10pm, January 26.
Ngalu Warrawi Marri Film Series is a cinematic showcase by the Australian Museum, screening three First Nations Stories. Showing Rabbit Proof Fence at 10:30am, The Last Daughter at 1pm and After The Apology at 3pm, January 26.


Ngarrama is Newcastle’s largest reconciliation event, which is free to the wider community to celebrate and reflect on Awabakal and Worimi life pre-1788. At King Edward Park from 7pm to 9pm, January 25.


Share The Spirit Festival is presented by Songlines Aboriginal Music and is Victoria’s largest and longest-running Indigenous festival. This event will have legendary mob acts, contemporary artists, traditional dance, food and stalls on site. At Sidney Myer Music Bowl from 11:30am to 9pm, January 26.
Our Survival Day 2024 is an event with local artists, experiences, food and market stalls come together to share in the same cause. This year’s theme is ‘Keep Surviving’. At The Briars, Mt Martha from 11am to 5pm, January 26.
We-Akon Dilinja (Mourning Reflection) Dawn Ceremony is hosted by the Boonwurrung People and includes musical performances and a smoking ceremony. At Alfred Square, St Kilda from 5:45am, January 26 or can be livestreamed at the link.

Torquay/Wadawurrung Country

Pilk Purriyn Truth-Telling event is a truth-telling event presented by Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation for a sunrise deep-listening and reflection with a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony. At Cosy Corner Beach, 5:30am to 7:30am, January 26.


Twilight Reflections, First Nations Ceremony is a yarning circle around the campfire led by Traditional Owners. At Elder Park, 7:30pm to 9pm, January 25.
Mourning in the Morning / Smoking Ceremony  is a cleansing ceremony led by Ngarrindjeri and Kaurna cultural leader Uncle Moogy Sumner with cultural dance by Tal-Kin Jeri and music performances. At Elder Park, 7am to 8am, January 26.


Survival Day 2024 is an event to commemorate the Survival of First Nations people through dance, music, poetry, storytelling and more. At Strand Park, 5:30am to 3pm, January 26.


Birak Concert is an event celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art, cultures and communities with an Elders Marquee, music performances, community stalls, workshops and a live radio broadcast with activities for children including face painting, colouring and crafting. At Supreme Court Gardens, 3:30pm to 7:30pm, January 26.


Rubibi Survival Day  is hosted by Goolarri Media to celebrate the continued survival of First Nations peoples. Experience culture through song from the leading established and emerging artists. At Goolarri Amphitheatre, 4pm to 11:45pm, January 26. 


Smoking Ceremony is a cleansing ceremony run by local Larrakia families. At Darwin Waterfront lagoon from 7:45am, January 26. 


WINHANGANHA film screening shows a new commission from the National Film and Sound Archive by acclaimed Wiradjuri artist, Jazz Money. Composed of entirely archival footage, WINHANGANHA examines how archives and the legacies of collection affect First Nations people and wider Australia, with an original score by Filipino-Aboriginal rapper and composer DOBBY (Rhyan Clapham).  At Arc Cinema, 1pm, January 26. 

Other ways to show up

Support Black Businesses

Buy from Black businesses and share the products/stores you like to your social media page to increase their visibility.

Pay The Rent

If there is an event in your area that you would like to see on this list, please get in touch.
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