Found: 40+ Best Sex Toys With The Hottest Reviews On The Internet

At Refinery29 Australia, we’re here to help you navigate this overwhelming world of stuff. All of our picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team, but we may earn commission or other compensation from the links on this page.
Getting down 'n dirty with a partner is wonderful, but when you're just wanting to do you, that's where sex toys come in. (Hello, on-demand orgasms.) The sex toy industry is now attracting an impressive billion dollars a year in global sales, and with a plethora of devices at a range of prices on the market, we're spoiled for choice. This also means that navigating the market can be tricky.
To help you cut through the noise, we're curating a roundup of the top-reviewed sex toys across the world wide web. We've got you covered with everything from a smooth, pulsating butt plug for both partnered and solo play to the next-level waterproof clitoral vibrator that packs a surprising punch. Click through to browse some seriously sexy finds, and check back as we continue to add more. Your perfect object of desire is waiting to be discovered.
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