After the hype of the San Jose Food Truck Festival, San Jose Made is
now considering open-air night markets and a big food truck meet-up at
the Capitol Drive-In Theatre for this summer!
(San Jose Made)
Art and design fans, set your phone alarms! At 5 p.m. today SFMOMA
will reveal plans for its expansion by hot architect team Snøhetta.
S.F.-based Team Udon, the winners of last year’s Reinvent Fast Food
challenge, are documented in this inspiring little video. (
Cheap eats tips never really get old! Here’s a roundup of 20 great
dishes under $10, all found in the Mission. (7x7)
Possible proof that skate rats are ageless: Lloyd Kahn, a 76-year-old
avid skateboarderprofiled by the Chronicle, who first picked up a
board only nine years ago. (SF Gate)