Leave it to the Swedes to produce yet another award-winning team (alas, one without baby-faced Michael Phelps…sigh.) New to our eyes, menswear artist collective Uniforms for the Dedicated has combined the flavor of Steven Alan's casuals with Whyred's sharp shapes for their debut collection, Underground Loop.

Athletic and European with a dollop of American fabrics and slouch, the collection is nowhere near as severe as other Norwegian men's lines, making a perfect balance for guys who wish to look trim on the streets, but not hemmed in by style. You can see their clothes in action (literally) at an underground ping-pong tournament, the inspiration for the collection. It ain't no Balls of Fire. Perhaps the group should have tried out for the Olympics—champion players or no, they would have definitely taken home the gold for best dressed. Heck, they already won the Swedish Fashion Council's "Rookie of the Year" award, which is almost as good.
For more information go to www.uniformsforthededicated.com.
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