Three's a crowd, but two's a chain. Denim Lounge is set to open a new Roscoe Village location on May 12, and we're pumped. Why? Because instead of just unlocking the door, they're throwing a party—with Cubs! No really, Reed Johnson and Tyler Colvin (rawr) of the Chicago Cubs will be present for the event. Everything in the store will be 20% off and you'll score a swag bag with every purchase. Space is limited, so please do yourself a favor and RSVP to info@thedenimlounge.com. The event will run from 6 to 9 p.m., so there will still be plenty of evening left to strut about in your new blues.
The Denim Lounge, 2039 West Roscoe Village (at Seely Avenue); 773-935-2820.