Name: Sara Idacavage
Occupation: Sales planner at New York Magazine and freelance writer
Age: 24
Hometown: Atlanta, GA
Favorite childhood hairdo: "Anything involving neon scrunchies and/or bedazzled hair clips."
Secret styling weapon: "Well, it’s not really a secret, but I would say it’s Laura Martin, my fabulous friend and hair stylist who is fully responsible for the all of the lovely haircuts that I’ve had over the past 4-5 years. She’s a teacher at Arrojo Cosmetology School and my hair just wouldn’t know what to do without her!"
What do you love most about your hair?: "That it takes pretty much no time or effort to get ready. Also, I feel like all redheads have some sort of special connection—it must be in our genes or something."
What drives you nuts?: "How fast my hair grows! I’m like a red-headed Chia Pet."
Dream 'do?: "I’ve always envied Ariel’s bright flowing hair from The Little Mermaid, but I’m not even sure if that’s humanly possible."
What's a hair move you've always been curious about but have been afraid to try?: "Well, it isn't a daring move, but I’ve been dying to grow my hair out long again over the past few years. Every time it gets long enough to cover my ears, I chicken out and chop it all off."
If your hair had a horoscope, what would it be?: "Life is short—don’t spend too much time worrying about your hair."