Major Shoe Sale: Like You Needed Another Reason To Shop At Lori’s

lori's sale main

Okay, don't hate us, but we're about to direct you to a pretty stellar paycheck-stealer. Lori's shoes is, as we speak, having a sale on fall and winter shoes that will save you up to 50% off the styles you've been swooning over since Halloween. The sale is happening both online and in-store, so don't feel bad if you live outside of Chicago and still want some sweet new shoes. Wait 'till the boss heads to lunch and then scour this sale for a pair your friends will die to borrow. We'll leave you to it.

Lori's Shoes, 824 West Armitage (at Dayton Street); 773-281-5655.

Michael Antonio Cane Wedge, $38.95 (originally $54), available at Lori's.

Photo: Via Lori's


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