The wheeze you just heard wasn't your officemate's allergies flaring up again. Lil Wayne returns to Chicago this August. (The Feast Chicago)
A sneak-peek inside Ikram Goldman's cocktail reception. The Chicago style guru recently won a Legend of Fashion award. (Chicago Streetstyle Scene)
Groupon is set to launch a time-sensitive deal app based on the users vicinity. Great. So now we should all start wearing helmets and knee pads every time we walk by Black Dog Gelato or Lululemon, in the event of a sudden trampling. (Racked Chicago)
All the movies in the park you can handle in one summer. We're especially stoked that Ferris Bueller's Day Off will make three appearances in 2011. (Metromix)
Stephanie Izzard wins another award. Incidentally, her next restaurant will be built out of all the awards she won in 2011. It will be called Award and serve only award-winning food. (Eater Chicago)