Spending big bucks for a guaranteed good time on New Year's Eve is sort of worth it, when you consider the fun potential packed into this one evening. Also, the idea of winging it re: NYE is amateur. If you're willing to pay for it, we've found one NYE package to top all others. Not surprisingly, Grant Achatz is involved. For $700, you (and anyone willing to shell out with you) can spend New Years Eve at Alinea and The Aviary. You'll dine at Alinea (deep breaths) and then take a limo ride over to the Aviary's last-night-of-2011 party, where we can only imagine the cocktails that will be waiting. We're not going to lie – we're already jealous of anyone booking these plans. Get your seat by emailing the restaurant, like now. (The Aviary)
Photo: Via The Aviary