Photo: Picture Perfect/REX USA
The Adam Driver most of us know is great with tools, loves jogging shirtless through Brooklyn, and has an unfortunate fetish for dirty sex. His name is Adam Sackler, and he can't help but be in love with Hannah Horvath on Girls.
Thankfully, the real Adam Driver is slowly and surely becoming a movie star, putting his everything into indie movies and bit parts, until he takes over the heartthrob universe as Kylo Ren, a light saber-swinging epic villain in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (in theaters this December). One of those indie movies, Hungry Hearts, features Driver as a romantic hero who soon becomes a victim of love — along with his newborn.
Before the eerie narrative reaches full throttle, Driver is just a regular guy named Jude who definitely does not meet his future wife in classic Hollywood meet-cute style. Instead, he and Alba Rohrwacher (as Mina) find themselves locked in a bathroom, filled with the stench of Jude's unflushable you-know-what. Somehow, perhaps because Driver can turn on the charm in even the most putrid of circumstances, Jude manages to come off as quite the gentleman in this clip — even as he politely asks Mina to move aside, so he empty out the rest of his bladder. Check out the exclusive peek above.
Hungry Hearts opens on June 5.