The Most Thoughtful Breakdown Of The Trayvon Martin Verdict We’ve Read So Far

The internet — and neighborhoods all over America — has been brimming with emotion since the Trayvon Martin verdict. As a website with an emphasis on style, entertainment, and culture, it's hard to know exactly where to insert a dialogue about the decision, but we know it's necessary to acknowledge topics that captivate the nation. So we'd like to direct our readers' attention to one of the most moving, thoughtful, and evocative pieces on the case we've read. (It also has a topical entertainment tie-in, too, about a movie that will only feel more poignant in the light of recent events.)

Writes Jelani Cobb of The New Yorker:
"Thousands of black boys die at the hands of other African Americans each year, but the black community, it holds, is concerned only when those deaths are caused by whites. It’s an appealing argument, and widespread, but simplistic and obtuse. It’s a belief most easily held when you’ve not witnessed peace rallies and makeshift memorials, when you’ve turned a blind eye to grassroots organizations like the Interrupters in Chicago working valiantly to stem the tide of violence in the city. It is the thinking of people who’ve never wondered why African Americans disproportionately support strict gun control legislation. The added quotient of outrage in cases like this one stems not from the belief that a white murderer is somehow worse than a black one, but from the knowledge that race determines whether fear, history, and public sentiment offer that killer a usable alibi." (The New Yorker)

george-zimmerman-not-guilty_580 Photo: Via The New Yorker

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