Just when you thought the Beyoncé media overhaul was petering out, Bey shows us a little leg (well, a lot of leg) to keep us watching (as if we ever had the option, or the will-power, to stop). The Beyhive got another preview of the Queen's upcoming, heavily sold-out "Mrs. Carter Show" world tour this afternoon when she (or her PR team) uploaded another promo image featuring not one but four images of Beyoncé romping around in hot pants, a white top, and a whole lotta blonde.
While the platinum hair almost certainly the result of a wig or a digital alteration, we have to say it suits B. She's channeling some real Americana in this promo: Red, white, blue, and bottle blond (all in the name of her sponsor, Pepsi). If we needed any more proof that Beyoncé is the Queen of the U.S.A., we've got it right here! We'll be stalking her Instagram for more updates on the hair situation — liking everything with the hope she notices and gives us those tickets we missed by seconds. That's a reasonable game plan, right? (MTV Style)
Photo: Courtesy of Beyoncé's Facebook.