Having a tough time getting back into the daily grind? Well, The New York Times has the perfect Tuesday morning pick-me-up — a heartwarming story about high-school graduates in Kalamazoo, MI, who will have their entire college tuitions paid for by anonymous donors. That's right, every single student in the city will earn their degree debt-free.
In a social experiment of sorts meant to boost the socio-economic status of the poor-stricken city, the superintendant of schools has teamed up with a generous group of locals to create the "Kalamazoo Promise." It pledges that all children who live and attend school within city limits will have their entire college tuition paid for as long as they attend a university in Michigan. The "Promise" was announced back in 2005, and the very first class is now well into their freshman year.
The names of the donors remain a complete mystery, but that hasn't stopped locals from throwing around a few guesses — namely the Stryker family (the billionaire owners of a medical sales company), and Derek Jeter, who himself is a Kalamazoo Central High alum.
No matter where the money comes from, there's no doubt that this city is changing the lives — and potential — of their youth, and, hopefully, influencing other cities to jump on the bandwagon. Check out the complete story, along with more deets about the lucky recipients, and try not to shed too many tears of joy. (The New York Times)

Photo: Via New York Times