Beware: Venus In Gemini May Cause Confusion In Your Relationships

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Have you been itching for a change up? Good, because the Planet of Love is ready for a new vibe. On 11th April, Venus moves on from its spot in fun-loving Taurus and enter into flirty Gemini, where it'll stay until 7th May.
Okay, brace yourselves: Venus in Gemini is usually an amazing time for playing the field and having fun, but according to Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer for and author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power, that won't be the case this year due to the Planet of Love forming two intense squares with Saturn and Neptune. "This could translate into a rather confusing time when it comes to relationships, if we don’t stay aware," she says.
Montúfar describes Venus in Gemini as a butterfly hopping from flower to flower — IRL that means this sign-planet combo loves to be flirty and keep their options open. But from 10th April to 19th April, Venus in Gemini will form a square with Saturn in Pisces, which Montúfar says will bring consequences to the transit's usually playful influence. "For those that have been stopping to check out too many flowers, drama could abound now, so tread with care," she says. If you're in a partnership, Montúfar says that giving each other space will be key to ensuring that boundaries are not being crossed.
Then, Venus in Gemini will square Neptune in Pisces from 28th April to 6th May, instigating drama. "When it comes to love and romance, this is one of the most confusing aspects," Montúfar says. "Under it, what we want in love is not actually what we need. We could chase someone who is unattainable, which makes us susceptible to disappointment." She points out that this is an astrological aspect that distorts information — we may not be able to see the full story being told without doing the work and digging deeper. It may not be the perfect time to plan first dates or have that conversation with your situationship — be patient, and this too shall pass.
We'll catch a break, though, so don't worry about slipping into an astrological annoyance. Lisa Stardust, astrologer and author of The Love Deck, says to look out for 11th April, when Venus and Pluto in Aquarius form a trine — meaning they’ll intensify one another. "The same day, the sun and Jupiter align in Aries, making it one of the best days of 2023," she says. "This will intensify the luckiest day of the year and give us the stamina, opportunity, and desire to manifest our dreams." Set your intentions and turn those dreams into realities — now is the time.
Stephanie Campos, author of Seasons of the Zodiac and host of the podcast Daily Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign, says that this special Venus-Pluto connection hasn't happened since 1777 — meaning that no one on planet Earth has experienced this astrological happening. Dramatic? Yes, but exciting nonetheless. "Pay attention to the people, conversations, and themes that are present in your life on this day," Campos advises. "It will offer a window and clues into your personal Pluto in Aquarius story."
One last date to remember during this transit is 5th May, when Venus connects with Jupiter in Aries. "Venus and Jupiter are two of the most fortunate planets in the sky and when they meet up, blessings flow," she says. "This combination of planetary energy is inspiring, courageous, and big, innovative ideas may also arrive." Campos warns that this energy can be fleeting, so grab the bull by the horns and get things done. Today's the day to take real, meaningful action to create your dream life.
It's also a time where "our relationships may experience intensity or transformation of some sort," Campos says. "Choosing to engage in intimacy and owning our raw and authentic nature, as long as it feels aligned and healthy, will create more harmony in our connections.
While Venus in Gemini may present some challenges to us Earthlings, there are pockets of calm within the storm — look for those, and you'll be good to go.

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