Your January Horoscope, Revealed

The new year is a time for new beginnings, and there’s nothing like a set of eclipses to wipe the slate clean. January 5 brings a solar eclipse with a new moon in Capricorn. We’ll collectively be zeroing in on what we need to change in our work and professional lives to break new ground. On January 6, Uranus will move direct in Aries helping us to create the momentum we’ll need. Don’t believe everything that you think or hear on the 13th, when Jupiter and Neptune square each other. Aquarius season also begins on the 20th, helping us to examine the future. Venus and Mars will trine on the 18th, making it the perfect time for collaboration. We move into our first lunar eclipse of the year on the 21st, during a full moon in Leo. This lunar eclipse will stir up our feelings as the moon will square with Uranus. Changes that cannot be ignored will be brought to light. How will you wrestle with those emotions? On the 25th, Mars will trine with Jupiter, imbuing our actions with luck! Dreams have the opportunity to become a reality on the 31st when Saturn and Neptune form a sextile!
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