Kylie Jenner Is The Virgin Mary In Travis Scott's New Video

Photo: Steven Lawton/Getty Images.
Travis Scott's new album is a family affair. The rapper released Astroworld on 3rd August, and fans were quick to pick up on the ample references to girlfriend Kylie Jenner and daughter Stormi Webster within it. Now, Scott's new music video for "Stop Trying To Be God" features a special appearance by Scott's lady as well.
The video is definitely a trip: It features loads of Biblical references and insane imagery, including one scene in which Scott's face is melted off after he is set on fire. However, the thing fans will probably pay the most attention to is who nurses Scott back to life after being set aflame. Jenner, a glowing vision, pops up around the 1:23 mark. She's a modern-day Virgin Mary, which makes Scott... Joseph? Jesus? The God everyone should stop playing?
It's unclear. It's also unclear if Jenner actually showed up on set for the music video in the first place. The ghostly, golden vision could have easily been CGIed in — I mean, the flames surrounding them weren't real either, right? Representation for Jenner did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
While Stormi was not involved in the music video, Scott did share an image to his Instagram that reveals the baby is still Astroworld's number one fan.
"Come home my baby ready to rock and roll," wrote Scott on Instagram, over a photo of Stormi sporting an Astroworld tee.

Come home my baby ready to rock and roll. !!!!

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