From Fighting Frizz To Co-Washing: R29's Haircare Routines

We're fascinated with other people's way of doing things, from how they fit in exercise during the week to their bedtime beauty routines. Whether it's to compare approaches or to poach new techniques and products, we're firm advocates of knowledge-sharing. Next up? Haircare. With trends like co-washing, sulphate-free shampoos, and hot oil treatments influencing people's styling choices, it's easy to get lost in the jargon and struggle to work out what's best for your hair type.
Landing on the best treatments for your hair can be a lifelong journey, from the abuse you put it through as a teen to the regrettable cuts that are best left in the past. Ahead, we quizzed our team on how they treat their hair, from fighting the frizz to the best at-home DIY colour. Click through to see how staff at Refinery29 UK wash, pamper and style their 'dos.

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