Yesterday we walked you through 12 of the biggest announcements Apple had just made at WWDC. However, there was one "smaller" piece of news that's actually pretty major — and has me pumped beyond belief.
Apple is finally, finally allowing iPhone and iPad users to remove those pesky un-deletable apps with its next major update, iOS 10. You know them: Stocks, Tips, Videos, Game Centre. I mean, honestly, how many of them have you never even opened? For instance, when’s the last time you found yourself saying, "Hmm, I am a little turned around. Good thing I have this compass app." I haven’t gone on a treasure hunt in years. I also haven’t been checking my stocks much lately (err, ever), but if I did, I'd probably use something like TradeHero instead.
Unfortunately, according to BuzzFeed, even if you delete every single one of these previously permanent apps — and you’ll probably want to keep a few, such as Contacts and Calendar — you’ll only free up about 150MB of space on your phone, which isn’t all that much. But think about how much more organised your home screen will be. I can finally stop cramming all those useless apps into my overlooked Utilities folder.
The iOS 10 will be available for download in the fall. Thank you, Apple, for finally giving us total control over our home screens.