In 2018, A-list Ryan Murphy released his stunning FX drama series Pose to the world, providing the mainstream entertainment world with a touching and gritty glimpse into the underground ballroom culture of 1980s New York City. After its upcoming third season, Pose will have come to a dramatic end — but before then, our favourite fab family have a lot of loose ends that need to be tied up. Here's where season 2 of the FX fan favourite series left off.
Blanca's health is on the decline
Since we first learned that Blanca (MJ Rodriguez) was HIV-positive, her health began to decline very quickly. By the time the end of the second season rolled around, the House of Evangelista matriarch wasn't in great form; Blanca's visits to the doctor as a patient instead of a volunteer became more frequent, and the severity of her illness even confined her to a wheelchair. As a result, she realized that her life could be cut short at any time, leaving her determined to leave a legacy for her children and her house.
Angel & Damon are chasing big dreams
Blanca's renewed lust for life rubbed off on her children, and throughout the season they began to chase their professional dreams. Damon (Ryan Jamaal Swain) put his innate dance skills and training to use by teaching classes, and a chance encounter with a passionate student led him to the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity working as a touring backup dancer.
Angel (Indya Moore) also found success in her own lane: fashion. With dedicated lover Papi (Angel Bismark Curiel) at her side, the aspiring model navigates the high fashion scene while trying to keep her identity as a trans woman a secret at work. She was ultimately clocked — her biggest fear come true — but thankfully, Angel wasn't out for the count. As it turns out, revealing her truth wasn't the end that she thought it would be; it was actually just the jumpstart that her career needed to push her over the edge.
Pray Tell & Ricky got together
In one plot twist that we didn't quite expect, Pray Tell (Billy Porter) and young Ricky (Dyllón Burnside) starting dating, a development that almost tears apart the House of Evangelista. It's an odd coupling, but it surprisingly works for the two men; Ricky brings out Pray's youthful energy, while the older man serves as a grounding, stabilizing force to his new lover. At the end of the season, the relationship helps Pray confront the traumas of his childhood; while walking in the ball's “Butch Queen First Time in Drags at a Ball” category, Pray is able embrace the femininity that he's been rejecting all his life.
What's next for the House of Evangelista?
With the assistance of her friends and her family, an ailing Blanca is able to pull off an epic final performance at the ball and slays the lip-sync category. It's a great bonding moment for the House of Evangelista, seeing the family come together, but the reunion is short-lived because the young adults have to jet off to their respective lives. Blanca, officially an empty-nester, is on her way back home when she runs into a group of kids who remind her a lot of her own. It goes without saying, but it looks like it isn't over for the House of Evangelista just yet — there's a whole new generation of divas to foster.
The final season of Pose premieres on May 2 on FX.