The 7 Biggest Dr. Pimple Popper Lipoma Extractions Ever

Photo: Randy Holmes/ABC/Getty Images.
Unless you're a Dr. Pimple Popper super-fan — you know, you're fully caught up on all nine episodes of season two, a YouTube subscriber, and the proud owner of an "I'd Rather Be Watching Dr. Pimple Popper" bumper sticker — you're probably unfamiliar with pimple-popping jargon. Regulars will tell you there's a lot of hard-to-pronounce dermatological lingo tossed around on the show, but there's one important word all popping newbies should familiarize themselves with: lipoma.
Sandra Lee, M.D., (the Dr. Pimple Popper) defines a lipoma as "a slow-growing, benign growth of fat cells contained in a thin, fibrous capsule and found right under the skin." In non-medical speak, a lipoma is a non-cancerous, squishy ball that pops out from under the skin with a small incision and a little pressure under local anesthesia. Unlike cysts, blackheads, or whiteheads, lipomas don't ooze or spew pus. Instead, there's a squeeze that leads to a big, fatty sack on the surgical table — which is wildly satisfying to watch.
If you're intrigued by basketball-sized balloons on the back and free-floating lumps on the arm, you're going to love this introduction to Dr. Pimple Popper's lipoma practice. Ahead, she shares the craziest cases she's ever seen. Consider this a pro guide to the wild world of lipoma pops — or a fun review before season 3 starts.

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