What To Say (& Not Say) To Friends With Fertility Issues

Baby-making is supposed to be a beautiful time in a person’s life, full of emotional closeness, gleeful anticipation and a lot of hot, unprotected boning. But if, like me, your ovaries haven’t gotten the message, it quickly becomes about as magical as a trip to the post office.
Chances are, you know a woman like me: someone who’s always wanted children and knows she’d make a great mum, but whose baby-making regimen now consists of sterile fertility clinic visits and self-administered injections instead of knockin’ boots to Barry White. Not sure how to handle your friend who’s so pumped full of hormones that the mere sight of a stroller can send her into a five-hour crying jag? Who can blame you? That’s why I created this guide.
Ahead, eight things you really shouldn’t ever say to a person who’s trying to get pregnant — and yes, I’ll explain why. But don’t cancel brunch plans just yet: I’ve also provided safe, comforting alternatives that won’t send us careening face-first into our French toast. Ready to navigate one of life’s most delicate social situations? Let’s go.
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