Go! Gater
Premium Steel Ladderball Set
At Walmart
Tired of cheap, old plastic ladderball sets and looking for a game designed to last a lifetime? Go Gater Premium Steel Ladderball Set is the answer. Enjoy endless hours of fun with precision engineered ladders and deluxe, weighted, soft touch bolos. Keep track of the action with deluxe slide scoring built right in; never argue over game results again. Includes set of game rules and instructions; Fun for all ages; easy setup and break down. For players always on the move, simply store the bolos in the bolo holders, attach the legs to the ladder, lock and go. Integrated all-weather carry handle provides easy portability so the game can be taken anywhere. With two team colors, green and yellow, a friendly competition is sure to begin between all ages and skill sets. Grab family, friends, coworkers and neighbors and turn the backyard, tailgate or park into an irresistible playing field. Create a great way to enjoy competition and change any boring party or rainy day into tons of fun...