Happy Houseplants
Dypsis Lutescen – Areca Palm
At Happy Houseplants
One of the most popular house plants, we find the Areca Palm the eaist to look after. the fronds are narrower and more plentiful than other varieties of plams making it an attractive focal point for any room
150cm tall, pot width 24cm
190cm tall, pot width 35cm
200cm tall, pot width 40cm
210cm tall pot width 45cm
Site. Bright indirect light to bright shade.
Temperature. Average warmth. ...
Water really well in the growing season little over winter.
These plants need humidity so mist the leaves regularly
stand on a tray of damp pebbles.
Feed once a month in the summer
Tip. If any stems begin to die remove ASAP to stop any rot infecting the healthy stems adjacent.