Behold, the ultimate party planning guide: DIY wine-tasting. This classy and crafty event is the perfect get-together with friends, to share a little bit of cheese and a lot of wine. (Great Dates in the City)
Did you hit the beach this weekend? Here's what it looked like to soak up the sun in Chitown, circa 1950. (Instagram)
The Red Hot Chili Peppers rocked the Allstate Arena over Memorial Day weekend—relive the night if you were lucky enough to score tix, or live vicariously through this music-loving blogger. (Style Block)
Next's newest menu offering is Sicily inspired (following up their other soirees themed after Paris and Thailand, to name a few), and they're introducing the offerings via this mouth-watering new video. (Eater Chicago)
Summer may be all about backyard BBQs, but don't forget about all the delicious restos, new and old. For some culinary inspo, check out the hottest places in Chicago this month. (Chicago Magazine)

Photo: Via Chicago Great Dates