Jan & Äya, a Brooklyn boutique full of handmade items, carries many a charming contradiction. The white-washed space has an elegant yet rustic feel, and much of the merchandise combines contrasting elements such as masculine/feminine, adult/child, gourmet/everyman (see Sarah Magid's organic Golden Twinkies). But there's one aspect that's pretty straightforward&mdsah;the Greenpoint store likes to keep it local. It sells pieces for the home, and a number of those pieces are made in fact by designers residing in the neighborhood. The shop's support of local artisans has inspired the shop to host the first Greenpoint Design Conference, which will be held this Saturday, October 25, and next, November 1, from 6 to 8pm, featuring six designers. For a suggested contribution of $15, guests can feast on wine and cheese, and listen to Sarah Magid discuss her delicious Goldies, Llubav's creative felt designs, Andreea Avram Rusu on her creative lighting design, and three others talk about their products and process. Just try not to eat the Twinkies while you're there. Gold ain't good for the digestion.

"Twinkie" photos by Noah Shledon.
Jan & Äya is located at 99 Franklin Street, Brooklyn, 718-609-1404; www.janandaya.com.