When we think of Hillary Clinton, many things come to mind: Whip-smart politics, feminist inspiration, and serious pantsuits. Oh, and of course that kicky power bob. While we certainly don't admire her for her fashion or beauty alone, once she chopped off her tresses, she turned the badass level way up. And now, we're finally getting the story behind her makeover — it turns out she has a famous friend to thank for her new look.
In a new interview for Gotham Magazine, Oscar de la Renta took credit for the former Flotus' bob. "Doesn’t she look great now? I told her a while back [when she was Secretary of State] she should cut her hair," he told the 'zine. So, why did Clinton wait so long to take his advice? Apparently life as Secretary of State doesn't afford the chance for lots of hair upkeep. "She said she couldn’t do it then because when she arrived in a foreign country and asked for a hairdresser, Homeland Security would have to check the person out," de la Renta explained. So, there you have it — if you want to pull off a successful, high-profile makeover, all you need to do is find an award-winning designer to advise you. (Elle UK)