This Valentine’s Day, Goop Thinks You Should Burn Your Bras

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No matter what your relationship status is, February is a month when, inevitably, romance comes up — and suddenly, lingerie seems to be everywhere. We're pretty much used to being totally surrounded by red-and-pink marketing for lacy underthings and matching sets during this time of year. But Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop is offering a different approach to lingerie shopping this time around: Just burn it. Burn it all. In an article titled "Break Up With Your Bra," Suzannah Galland talks about how oftentimes, we'll buy a little special something in the early stages of the relationship — but, as soon as it fizzles out, we end up with underwear too fancy to wear everyday, but too expensive to simply cast off. What's more, the sight of it in your drawer can summon memories of an ex you might not want to remember. So, the lingerie becomes engulfed in meaning, emotion, and even pain — and there's no room for that in your life, Galland says. "Our lingerie might be special, and beautiful, and even expensive, but while it may have made you feel desirable, the lingerie itself is not the desirable thing in the recipe here—it’s you," she writes. And so, to free yourself from past romantic entanglements, Galland suggests emptying out your underwear drawer — by way of fire ritual. (Yes, seriously.) "Full-moon fire rituals are ancient practices for spiritual cleansing, representing a time to get rid of the old and celebrate what’s next," she explains. Galland goes on to outline a few steps to burn your bras (and unpleasant memories) safely and effectively, such as finding a space to light the fire and watch your past go up in flames. Of course, you can always just recycle those bras that have seen better days — or donate them, or even turn them into makeup sponges, if you're so inclined. (We personally prefer the historical reason for going bra-free, but to each her own.) Hey, at least this Valentine's Day tradition is a lot cheaper than the £260 tequila bar set, £68 medicine bag, or other gifts in Goop's Solo YOLO guide.