2015 In Landmark LGBT Events

Every year, I write another round up of LGBT events from the past 12 months. It ends up being a weird moment of reflection on how far we've come as a global community. I remember 2013's list –Putin's anti-gay propaganda law came into effect, while gay marriage was legalised in the UK. This year feels similar in terms of its ups and downs.
It would be nice to be able to make some value judgements year on year, and say, "things are getting better for LGBT people". And maybe they are, gradually. However, we can't ignore the various statistics that chart the heinous acts of violence committed towards LGBT people across the world. And they're just the crimes we know about. Things clearly aren't where they should be.
Until they are, let's once again pause and take stock. It wasn't all doom and gloom in 2015; big name celebrities came out, same-sex marriage was legalised and important conversations were had about LGBT issues in the media. Here are some (but by no means all) of the good, the bad and the ugly things that happened in 2015.

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