There is only one rule of makeup, which is that there are none. You do you, however and whatever that may be. Foundation diehard? Allow us to direct you to our favourite ones. More the fiercely fresh-faced type? Here's the skin-care routine that will make you glow, with or without makeup. We don't subscribe to the narrative that either one is better, or braver than the other.
That said, we've noticed a recent uptick in celebrities who have been jumping on the no-makeup train — led by the patron saint of cosmetics-free complexions, Alicia Keys. But that's not to say all of Hollywood is kicking its eyeshadows to the curb. Plenty of celebs still sport bold beauty looks on occasion, and also have their moments of free-facing it. Not only does it keep us guessing, it also shows us all the ways we can use makeup to enhance or highlight our features.
Ahead, check out some of our favourite celebs with and without makeup. It's not brave, it's not a reason to gossip, it's not revolutionary — it's just makeup.