If You're A College Student, You're Eligible For Four Months Of Free Porn

When you start a new school year, you might go shopping for new books or new clothes. What you probably won't be looking to spend your money on is porn. After all, there's plenty of free porn on the web, so why get an actual subscription? Well, one reason you might want to is if you can get one for free. And now, thanks to a special college student deal from the site Brazzers, you can, Mashable reports.
Brazzers' Back-To-University program provides any college student with a free four-month subscription. You just have to apply by submitting a picture of yourself with a student ID for a U.S. school (one that shows your birth date, so old IDs may not fly) by September 5th. Or, if you're feeling very ambitious, you can apply for 25 years of free porn by submitting a "How Brazzers Will Help Me Graduate" essay.
The site announced the deal in an over-the-top video showing porn stars keeping college students company while they're studying. As you'd expect, it's unfortunately pretty male-centric, with blond female porn stars seducing male students. But around halfway through, a guy in nothing but a robe comes up behind a woman in a library and offers her a back massage, which is at least something.
If you'd never heard of Brazzers until this news broke, it's actually not one site but a group of 31 sites. Membership normally costs $29.99 a month, so you're saving yourself around $120 by applying for the free program.
Then again, the site isn't exactly geared toward women — there's not even a "female-friendly" section like some sites have. If that's what your looking for, might we first suggest a woman-run site like Bellesa or Lady Cheeky? As we said, there's no shortage of free porn on the internet.
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