As the first lady, how do you unwind after a successful re-election campaign? It seems Mrs. O prefers to curl up on the couch and watch TV — some Downton Abbey, specifically. According to a source at British network ITV, she and the commander-in-chief will be getting a head start on the insanely addictive drama's third season during their down time — before it airs in the U.S.
Yep, that's right — Season 3. A quick phone call from the first lady's office is all it took to convince the network to ship Downton screeners to the Obamas. But don't expect any spoilers from Michelle: She's been politely asked to keep mum on what happens, so the rest of us faithful fans will just have to wait until January 6 to catch up with Lady Mary and the gang. (Daily Mail)

Photo: Via Daily Mail