In the latest installment of Vogue’s Beauty Secrets video seies, Lori Harvey took fans through her everyday getting-ready routine and casually dropped the news that she has a skin-care line on the way.
The model, whose stepfather is television host Steve Harvey, is so passionate about skin care that she’s in the process of putting the finishing touches on her own collection of products, which she's currently beta testing on herself — and the important men in her life.
"I tested all my products, of course, on myself, but I also tested them on my boyfriend," said Harvey, who has been publicly dating actor Michael B. Jordan for the last several months. "He has become my live test model, so now he's very into his skin-care routine as well. He tells me all the time that when he’s on set, the makeup artists compliment his skin."
In fact, Harvey has gotten her stepfather into a consistent skin-care regimen as well. "So if you’re wondering why his skin looks so good lately," she says, smiling, "it's because of me."
Throughout the tutorial, Harvey incorporated products from her own line, including a low-pH cleanser that was inspired by her own sensitive skin and her struggle to find products that didn’t leave it feeling stripped of moisture. She also teased what she calls the "perfect eye cream," created with her mom's advice that "prevention is better than correction" in mind.
While the model credits her mom for her philosophy on beauty, she also mentioned makeup artist Pat McGrath as an inspiration. "She taught me so much," said Harvey. "There’s a lack of Black women in the beauty space, and in the skin-care space, so she definitely inspired me to create my own brand."
So far, there's no official release date for Harvey’s skin-care collection, but let's just say we are very ready to test out the "perfect eye cream" that also happens to be Michael B. Jordan-approved.