Knock Knock
Why You’re So Awesome Fill-in-the-blank Gift Journal
This little gift book contains fill-in-the-blank lines to describe some aspect of awesomeness about a friend, sibling, or significant other
Just complete each line and voilà: you have a uniquely personal gift an awesome type will read again and again
Make it as fun, funny, or farout as you choose!
If you are wondering how to cheer someone up, the answers right here; look no further for boyfriend gift ideas this will please even the pickiest of paramours
Hardcover with removable clear plastic jacket: 4.5 × 3.25 Inches, 112 pages
Knock Knock is an independent maker of clever gifts, books, and whatever else they can think up; their mission is to bring humor, creativity, and smarts to everyday life
Knock Knock is an award-winning purveyor of witty books and gifts. Our crackerjack in-house team creates humorous nonfiction and specialty journals from the ground up, and we also publish new titles from outside authors, bloggers, and other creative types.