The Entire World

The Best Lounge-y Items That Are Ultra-comfortable Yet Presentable Enough For Unexpected Guests

At The Entire World
Yessiree Bob, they are back. In a brushed Terry for Fall that is extra supercalifrajilistic fluffy and fleece-y. If you’ve bought our sweats before, this is a new and improved Organic Cotton fabric**: heftier and warmer than our classic loop back Spring sweats, but loftier and lighter than last Fall’s knockouts, if you remember those guys. But anyway, these are like the sawphtest and coziest of all, they make a bb chick feel like an elderly cactus in comparison. Sincerely. 🐥=🌵. And as visuals - they are like throwing some bones to your rods and cones. Like, a bunch of sweet potato pies for your eyes. Always a technicolor scream. And always drop shoulder and slouch-y and easy and oversized and cute kewt on you.